Friday, October 30, 2009

Test picture post

This is a basic post to see how text looks wrapped around a picture. Here I will add an image. It should appear to the left of this text. Now I need to type filler text just to see if all the text is justified correctly...For those of you who are not aware, Hayakawa is the author of the book "Language in Action and Thought". Essentially, it is a book that discusses how language affects our everyday lives in ways we don't pay any attention to. One of the main points in his book that he brings up multiple times is the idea that "there is no necessary connection between the symbol and the thing symbolized." In other words, a word that is used to describe something is COMPLETELY unrelated to the actual thing it symbolizes. Another point that he makes is that the abstraction that appears in your head upon hearing a word has no necessary connection to the actual object in the real world.

Essentially what that means is, when you hear the word "Arab" for instance, you may have certain pictures appear in your head about what this person will be like based on your previous notions, when in actuality there is no connection between your thoughts and the actual behavior of this person. When we fail to delay our reactions and base them solely on the actual person, and use our preconceived notions instead, this is known as prejudice.

(This post was taken from "The Frigz.")

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coding test

Regular text.

italicized text

boldfaced text

underlined text

  • bullet item one
  • bullet item two
  • bullet item three

  • Indented text that can be used for quotations
    This is regular text with a CNN link mixed in.